A 1937 review of "Three Lands on Three Wheels” by Jan and Cora Gordon: "Wifekiller" and Vin Ordinaire
The Waterford Standard on Saturday 22 May 1937, presented the Book of the Week, Jan and Cora Gordon 's ‘‘ Three Lands on Three Wheels .” The text is as follows: " One of the objections to the draft Constitution of Eire —another new name for the same old country —is that it puts women in a position of inferiority. All our most advanced women and female politicians are protesting that the new Constitution will deprive them of certain rights and drive them back to the home and family life. Personally, I don’t think the new Constitution will make one iota of difference to women; but in any case if family life can be made anything like the menage of Jan and Cora Gordon we should all be charmed with it. Robert Frost , the American poet, who is creating a new cult, says: If men were as much men as lizards are lizards They’d be worth looking at.” And I am certain that if family life had some of the adventure, some of the happy-go-lucky, carefree atmosphere, some of the joyou...