A 1933 Review of "The London Roundabout"

The Scotsman of Monday 30 October 1933 has the following review of Jan and Cora Gordon's The London Roundabout. THE LONDON ROUNDABOUT. Written and Illustrated by Jan and Cora Gordon. 10 s . 6 dL net. London : Harrap Mr and Mrs Gordon describe themselves as "casual collectors of London character," and in its casualness lies one of the charms of an original and lively book. They returned to the Metropolis after many years' residence in Paris, and it is the story of their experiences and impressions there that they tell with such gusto. It will do many Londoners good to read what they say for the Londoner is often the most parochially-minded of citizens. Anything that happens beyond the confines of the capital and the Home Counties has to be extremely important or sensational to interest him, and as for London itself - well, was there ever such a city? The authors tell him about quite a lot of things that could be improved in London, and in which it comp...