Cora Josephine Gordon Obituary, September 1950

I can find no obituary for Cora Josephine Gordon available online, but here share the obituary presented in the September 1950 issue of the The Studio.

Cora Gordon had been a regular contributor of "The London Commentary" to this magazine, but in the July 1950 issue the commentary was written by G.S. Whittet, with a sad note from the editor at the end of the piece, "It is regretted that Mrs Cora J. Gordon is ill, at the time of going to press. We are sure all our readers wish her a speedy recovery."

The September issue of the magazine announces "the death of Mrs Cora Gordon on July 1st, after an illness extending over the previous few months."

"Mrs Gordon contributed the 'London Commentary' to THE STUDIO from her husband's death in 1944 until she was taken ill in April, 1950. Only a few days before she died she was asking for exhibition cards, anxious to start out again on her tour of the Galleries and resume the task she loved so well. It was her delight to find and help young artists of promise and to introduce them to a wider public in her commentary."

The obituary ends with "A wide and large circle of artists and friends will mourn her loss and join with us in extending deep sympathy with her relatives."

A short while later, my father (W.D.A. Smith, Jan Gordon's godson) visited the Clanricarde Gardens flat where Jan and Cora Gordon had lived.


  1. The obituary for Cora Gordon in The Times can be read here:


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