Obituary of Cora Gordon in The Times

The Times, July 5th 1950 carries the following obituary for Cora Gordon:

"Mrs. Cora Gordon, who died at her home in London on Saturday after a long illness, was a writer and painter who will perhaps be best remembered for the series of informal travel-books which she and her husband, the late Jan Gordon, wrote together and illustrated with their own paintings and drawings.

"She was Cora Josephine, daughter of the late Fredric Turner, M.R.C.S., and was educated in London and Brussels. She had her artistic training at the Slade School. During the 1914-18 war she and her husband, who for some time had both worked in Paris, went to Serbia to take part in medical relief work. In their first book, The Luck of Thirteen, published in 1916, they told the story of their adventures there. Jan then joined the R.N.V.R., but after the war ended husband and wife resumed their joint travels and resulting books, visiting, among other places, Spain, Portugal, the Balkans (which inspired many of Mrs. Gordon's paintings), the United States, and France. They travelled sometimes by motor-car or motor-cycle and sidecar, sometimes with a donkey cart, observing the manners and particularly the cooking of the ordinary folk of the land.

"The Gordons held a number of joint exhibitions of their work in London and elsewhere, and Mrs. Gordon's paintings and drawings were familiar to frequenters of the larger mixed exhibitions. When Jan Gordon, who had taken to writing art criticism, became seriously ill during the recent war, his wife often did his work in his stead, and after his death in 1944 she continued journalistic writing, contributing, among other things, a monthly survey of current exhibitions to the Studio."


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